Carter R. Jones, FNSS. Master Sculptor

Carter R. Jones, an award-winning sculptor, has been working with companies such as Sesame Street, Disney, Pixar, Nickelodeon and Warner Brothers on the design of toys and other products for decades.

During daily walks, Carter would walk by a playground full of kids. He wondered why they were so good at pure joy, and why that kind of spontaneity seems to leave us as we get older.

“Why can’t I have that kind of fun?” Carter wondered. That’s when he decided to start each day with a little creativity at breakfast.

Orange you glad he did?


National Sculpture Society
Interviews Carter R. Jones FNSS

Our exclusive interview with NSS member Carter R Jones! It was an absolute pleasure to interview such an inspirational, passionate and remarkable sculptor like him. Carter R. Jones continues to contribute such renowned art work, and in this interview he shares with us all his knowledge of sculpting. We hope you enjoy discovering the renowned Carter R. Jones.

National Sculpture Society interview photo

Carter R. Jones FNSS honored with the
Jane B. Armstrong Memorial Award

At the 83rd annual juried National Sculpture Society Awards reception held at Brookhaven Gardens, fourteen renowned sculptors received awards. Rockcroc by Carter Jones FNSS was selected for recognition by the National Sculpture Society jury.

Carter R. Jones reaches further back in history. He says, "to create a living, breathing being, I go as deeply as I can into its magnificent evolutionary design to find out what made it a survivor." His marble Rockcroc resembles a prehistoric head unearthed in a scientific expedition. John O'Hern, American Art Collector, August 2016

Roccroc by Carter Jones FNSS


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You have always wanted to come to New York to study and be inspired by the vast array of art on display in New York's monuments and museums.
